Udayan Shalini Fellowship - Residential Camp
5-14 June' 2023

The Ashram helped organize 3-day residential camps for three batches of class XII school girls from government schools. The groups were brought to the Ashram by an NGO, ‘Udayan Care’, and were a part of its yearly Udayan usf 5-14 Fellowship Program. The first two batches, from 5-7 June and 9-11 June 2023, were from North Delhi with a total of 57 students. The third batch consisting of 28 students from NOIDA formed part of the camp from 12-14 June 2023. Primary objective of the camps was personal growth and development with sessions on Personal Space, Presenting Self, Professional Etiquette, Team Building, Mental Health & Well Being, Public Speaking, Gender-sensitization and Theater techniques. Other activities included Shram Daan, Sports, Storytelling and Meditation.

Feedback from participants included:

  • “I enjoyed the surroundings, it was the first time that I have stayed in such a quiet place”;
  • “Our schedule made us punctual and my parents are very happy to see changes in my behaviour”;
  • “Eating food on time at the Ashram improved my eating habits and my parents also are very happy about the same”;
  • “I thoroughly enjoyed the early morning Shramdaan. It was my first experience with this kind of work, and I found it immensely satisfying”;
  • “This residential camp provided me with the opportunity to live away from my parents for the first time and stay with other students instead. We worked together as a team and immensely enjoyed this unique experience”;
  • “Being a part of this residential camp was an absolutely fantastic experience for me. I gained a wealth of knowledge and skills from the various activites conducted throughout the camp."